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宋志忠 副教授

上传时间:2022年08月01日 20:54 浏览次数::4106



Email: szhzh2000@163.com







1. 山东省高等学校青年创新人才引育计划团队项目,“园艺作物遗传改良创新团队”(2019-181),主持,200万,2020-2022

2. 国家重点研发计划子课题任务,“热带作物种质资源精准评价与基因发掘:杧果种质资源精准评价与基因发掘”(2019YFD1000504),主持,15万,2019.05-2022.12

3. 国家留学基金(CSC2022),主持,14万,202023-2024

4. 山东省教育专项资金 “桃AMT家族基因功能解析” (132-10000326),主持,20万,2019.01-2023.12

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“PpeKUP1基因在桃果实钾吸收和转运中的功能分析”(31501743),主持,20万,2016.01-2018.12

6. 江苏省政府留学基金(JS-2016-190),主持,14万,2016-2017

7. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,“PpeAMT1;1基因在桃果实铵吸收和转运中的功能分析”(2015M571713),主持,5万,2015-2016

8. 中国科学院大学科技创新专项(科学技术类),“水稻铵转运系统OsAMT1;2 的电生理研究”(2010-25),主持,2万,2010-2012


1. Peng B, Ran JG, Li YY, Tang ML, Xiao HL, Shi SP, Ning YZ, Dark A, Guan XQ, Song ZZ*. 2024. Site-directed mutagenesis of VvCYP76F14 (cytochrome P450) unveils its potential for selection in wine grape varieties linked to the development of wine bouquet. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72 (7): 3683-3694.

2. Peng B, Gu ZX, Zhou YF, Ning YZ, Xu HY, Li G, Ni Y, Sun PP, Xie ZQ, Shi SP, Dark A, Song ZZ*. 2023. Potential role of fatty acid desaturase 2 in regulating peach aroma formation. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 204: 112473

3. Song ZZ, Peng B, Gu ZX, Tang ML, Li B, Liang MX, Wang MX, Guo XT, Wang JP, Sha YF, Zhang HX. 2021. Site-directed mutagenesis identified the key active site residues of alcohol acyltransferase PpAAT1 responsible for aroma biosynthesis in peach fruits. Horticulture Research, 8(32): 1-10.

4. Song ZZ*, Lin SZ, Fu JY, Chen YH, Zhang HX, Li JZ, Liang MX*. 2022. Heterologous expression of ISU1 gene from Fragaria vesca enhances plant tolerance to Fe depletion in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 184:65-74

5. Zhang Y, Shi XM, Lin SZ, Wang JP, Tang ML, Huang JF, Gao TP, Zhang HX, Song ZZ*. 2022. Heterologous expression of the MiHAK14 homologue from Mangifera indica enhances plant tolerance to K+ deficiency and salinity stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regulation, 98(1): 39-49

6. Song ZZ*, Wang X, Li MY, Ning YZ, Shi SP, Yang GR, Zhang HX, Tang ML, Peng B. 2024. Isolation, heterologous expression, and functional determination of an iron regulated transporter (IRT) gene involved in Fe2+ transport and tolerance to Fe2+ deficiency in Vitis vinifera. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 156: 65.  

7. Sheng YT, Yu XL, Mao TT, Zhang J, Guo XT, Song ZZ*, Zhang HX*. 2022. Genome sequence data of Leptosphaerulina arachidicola, a causal agent of peanut scorch spot in China. Plant Disease 106:748-750

8. Song ZZ, Ma RJ*, Zhang BB, Guo SL, Yu ML, Korir NK. 2016. Differential expression of iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis genes during peach fruit development and ripening, and their response to iron compound spraying. Scientia Horticulturae, 207:73-81.

9. Song ZZ, Yang SY, Zhu H, Jin M and Su YH*. 2014. Heterologous expression of an alligatorweed high-affinity potassium transporter gene enhances salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis. American Journal of Botany, 101(5):840–850

10. Song ZZ and Su YH*. 2013. Distinguishing the potassium enrichment capability of Alternanthera philoxeroides associated with high-affinity potassium transport through KUP systems. Weed Science, 61(1):77-84

11. 宋志忠, 王建萍, 史圣朋, 曹晶雯, 刘万好, 徐维华, 肖慧琳*, 唐美玲*. 2023. 葡萄铁蛋白基因Ferritin的鉴定、克隆及其在果实发育不同时期对氨基酸铁复合肥喷施的响应. 中国农业科学, 56(18): 3629-3641

12. 张璐, 宗亚奇, 徐维华, 韩蕾, 孙浈育, 陈朝晖, 陈松利, 张凯, 程杰山, 唐美玲, 张洪霞, 宋志忠*. 2021. 葡萄Fe-S簇装配基因的鉴定、克隆和表达特征分析. 中国农业科学, 54(23):5068-5082

13. 沈静沅, 唐美玲, 杨庆山, 高雅超, 刘万好, 程杰山, 张洪霞, 宋志忠*. 2020. 葡萄钾离子通道基因VviSKOR的克隆、表达及电生理功能. 中国农业科学, 53(15):3158-3168

14. 宋志忠, 姜航, 张斌斌, 马瑞娟, 俞明亮*. 2018. K+/H+逆向转运体基因PpeKEA在桃开花期的表达及对钾肥施用的响应. 园艺学报, 45(7):1251-1260

15. 宋志忠, 马瑞娟*, 郭绍雷, 俞明亮, 许建兰. 2016. 桃钾转运体基因PpeKUP5的表达及功能分析. 园艺学报, 43(2):218-226


宋志忠 梁美霞 张洪霞 贺奥 李权龙 宋潘辉 王翊昊 岳红丽 毕萌萌. 一种罗布麻的组织培养高效快速繁殖方法. 2020, ZL201911387578.6

苏彦华 宋志忠 杨顺瑛 赵鹏姝 陈天祥. 空心莲子草钾通道蛋白及其编码基因与应用, 2019, CN201810879511.3